
Seedlings Speech and Language Therapy

We are independent highly experienced children’s Speech and Language Therapists working in the Bradford and Airedale area with pre-school children and their families. We offer a range of support to children with a variety of communication needs, including social communication and autism.

Individual Therapy

Individually designed One-to-One Speech and Language Therapy for pre-school children and their parents including Nursery visits, Staff training and specialist reports.

Therapy Groups

Therapy Groups for families who want to learn how to support their child’s Speech and Language development in a fun and friendly group environment.


We are specialist Speech and Language Therapists who have extensive experience of working with preschool children with social communication difficulties and autism.

Thanks so much for the sessions. R has come on leaps and bounds in just a few weeks! I feel more confident that I can help him and much less worried than I was before. Obviously he has a long way to go but, now he is showing an interest in communicating through signs, I know the speech element will come with time.

Lauren (Parent)